Friday, July 19, 2013

World War Z movie review: Z does not stand for Zebra

Like most reviews I would like to straighten out a few details before you read how I feel about this movie. This is so you know some details about my point of view.

1) I have not read the book World War Z so I have no idea the differences this movie has from the book. I also have no strong opinions on the author.

2) I have no opinion on running zombies VS walking zombies.

Every bad thing I read about this movie was from people who were commenting on the above two items.  I just watched this movie as it stood on its own and did not think about those two factors at all.

Now that you know that, lets get on with the is my review of the film World War Z:

I made a joke about this on Facebook before I knew this existed...but I sure am glad it does!
So here comes a big budget zombie flick! It stars Brad Pitt and is based on a best selling book. Not only that, but it is coming out when the Walking Dead Television show is one of the most popular shows on. Needless to say this movie has big hype to live up to.

Here is the basic gist of the entire film:

Brad Pitt plays Gerry a retired UN employee who watches as his city is torn apart due to zombies.  He is able to escape to a Navy vessel where they convince him to help them solve the zombie problem. Convince is really the wrong word, in actuality they force him. They threatened that they would not allow his family to remain under military custody if he does not comply.  So he leaves his family and flies all over to various parts of the world in order to see how others were coping under the disaster. He also is trying to find the possibility of a cure. Insert lots of action and near death encounters.  Eventually Gerry ends up in a facility where they come up with a plan to help stop the invasion.

What I liked:

This is one of the most original takes on a zombie movie I have seen. You saw the main character travel to different locations and watch them deal with the crisis and how it started. Along with that, the entire movie was action packed. From about minute five on, there were explosions and people being attacked. The effects were fantastic with visuals that were incredible to watch.  There are many scenes where zombies are crawling over each other in order to overcome obstacles. It was an exciting movie and parts were definitely startling but it didn't feel like a horror movie. Which surprisingly I liked.  I also thought Brad Pitt did a great job, his role seemed different then ones you usually see him play.  He wasn't flashy, just subtle and effective.

The spoilers begin here stop reading if you care:

The film concluded with them finding a solution to the zombie problem. They found a way to be present among the zombies and not be attacked.  I thought this was genius, I have never seen this before I thought it was very original in a genre it is hard to be original in.

What I hated:

So Gerry and a soldier who was wounded during an attack end up on a plane.  The plane ends up crashing, and where does it crash? It ends up crashing right next to the WHO (World Health Organization).  I know its a movie but this seemed completely unreasonable and unrealistic.  

The movie was not very climactic, it just kind of ends. He finds the cure and the movie is basically over.  It just felt like the payoff wasn't there for such a great build up.  This could be because of the constant action all throughout the movie there was no way for it to top itself at the end.


This is a fun watch.  Whether you like zombie type movies or not it is worth seeing. The visuals alone are worth going to see the movie. If you like brad Pitt or have no true opinion of him this is a good role for him.  He is not the typical Bad ass he usually plays.  He is smart, soft spoken and can still handle himself in tough situations.  Even though this is basically an action movie his character is not a typical action hero which is intriguing.

As I mentioned at the top of the page there are people who will not like this movie.  I have heard it is nothing like the book and goes against a lot of what the author thinks of zombies.  People get passionate about this sort of thing and I understand.  So if you have a strong loyal tie to the book or you hate running zombies then you probably won't like it.

Boom! That's all folks! Be calm and kiss zombies!

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