Friday, July 26, 2013

Tom's Magical non-traditional Disneyland tips

I love Disneyland.  If you have talked to me on more then one occasion you know this about me.  My history with Disneyland began when I was very young.  I think my first trip there was when I was around six years old.  I have traveled there on average almost every year since then.  I made up for some years I didn't go as a child by going up to three times in one year.  On a regular basis people tell me that Disneyland is for kids.  It's not, it's for all people: families, kids and adults.  That was Walt's dream. To make a place all could go and feel like a kid again and be together.  It definitely worked on me.  Going to Disneyland feels more like the feeling of returning home then actually being in my home town.  It's a place I feel comfortable and happy and knowledgeable. It's something I get instantly excited about. 

I read Disneyland blogs almost every day and try to stay up to date on what is going on there even though I am no where near the park. I am sure over the years I will write many posts in relation to Disneyland, but now I call your attention to some "Non-traditional Disneyland tips".  These are things you might not read about in a guide book these are from my personal recent experiences.

Tom's Magical non-traditional Disneyland tips

Close your mouth on water rides.
This is no joke. For example: on the Ride "The Pirates of the Caribbean" you will end up with a mouth of dirty pirate water if your mouth is open at the wrong time. Yes, there are dips on the ride but I have gotten drips from the ceiling just going through the ride.  Really, any ride involving water be conscious of your mouth and try to keep it closed, unless of course you are talking.

Keep moving.
Nothing annoys me more then the large party that decides to stop and discuss the plans they have for the day right in front of the entrance to a ride.  This seems like it happens to me every time I have attempted to go on "Thunder Mountain railroad".  Move to an area not in a central walk way!  I get it if you are watching a parade or some cool spectacle that is happening, but that's it.  This is not the place to decide where to go next or catch up with that neighbor you just ran into. Move somewhere out of the way!

Eat at the park
The old school tip everyone used to always say was something like "don't eat in the park, the food is too expensive and not that great". The food has evolved with the times, it is much better now! Growing up the food seemed comparable to the airplane food I ate when flying in.  It was also obscenely expensive.  Well it is still really spendy but now the food in most cases is worth it.

Matterhorn Sundae from the Carnation Cafe.  It's not actually on the Menu, it's a popular secret item!
When the food network hit its stride and foodie became a household term I started noticing the food upgrades throughout the park.  Now everything seems that it is of a higher quality.  Do some research before you go, so you can look up different places to try or you can also email me and I can tell you a bunch of different places.  We actually budget in money when we go just to make sure we can eat at the park.  I definitely recommend this if you are going without kids. If you are going with kids you might not want to eat the big dinners but you can always get the snacks.  They have amazing corn dogs, churros and what kid won't be happy when you hand them a Mickey Mouse shaped pretzel!

Mickey is now deaf in one ear!
Free Coffee refills are gone
They used to have this wonderful place you could go and get free refills on coffee as long as you had your receipt.  It was awesome, you could walk into the park grab your coffee and then on your way out grab one too.  My last glass of free refillable coffee unfortunately was in January 2013. I just read recently within the last few months that they are remodeling that building and re-opening it as a Starbucks.  In California Adventure (The other Disney park across from Disneyland considered to be part of the Disneyland Resort) a new Starbucks opened when they remodeled and have had great success with it. Disneyland decided to follow suit. Which I guess is okay if you like Starbucks, it just means no more free refills all day on a basic cup of coffee.

You like Beer? Of course you do! California Adventure is the only park (Downtown Disney does too but it's technically not a park) that serves alcohol.  They serve beer from a local brewery in a few locations in the park. I usually head over to the Pacific Wharf and grab one off of a truck they have set up.  It is outrageously expensive (I believe around 7 dollars) but comparable to the prices of a popular dance club or a casino in any major city. They also have a winery on site which serves a variety of wines.  Right outside the park in Downtown Disney there are also several high end and themed restaurants that also serve alcohol.  Don't think because you are not in a park that the drinks are any cheaper, the prices are all very similar. These are more places to relax and have a drink or two to help escape the heat, not party until you puke places...unless of course you are rich.

Use photo pass for up to 30 days
People randomly come up and take pictures of you all over the park. They also do it at any of the character spots, like seeing Mickey, Princesses, etc,.  After the first picture is taken they will hand you a photo pass.  You can then hand it to all of the other photographers to have all of your photos on this one pass.  The cool thing about it is those pictures will be stored for up to 30 days.  So if you are strapped for cash the day of the picture you could download it and get it later when you are back from your trip.  You can even ask for a 15 day extension if you want more time then 30 days.  I can't tell you how many times I have regretted not buying pictures a few days later after I got home. This eliminates the possibility of that regret.

The Lady at Autopia demanded I take this picture since I was wearing a Ravens shirt.
She thought it was an amazing coincidence that I got a purple car three days before the Super Bowl.
I didn't really want to take it.
Ride placement
Many people don't realize that you can ask to go to the front of a ride.  If you want to sit in the very front car on say "Space Mountain" all you have to do is ask. You might have to wait a few minutes longer but in many cases it is worth the wait.  I have also never had to wait longer then ten minutes and that was only on "Splash Mountain" most rides it adds about five minutes.  Nothing beats being in the front car of "Space Mountain" It is like a wild Journey through space with just you and the person next to you.  It also makes it easier if you plan on buying a picture at the end.  Sometimes in the back you can't always see the person as well in the picture, especially if someone in front of you raises their arms when the photo is snapped.

Cover your crotch
You probably think this is a joke right? Wrong. It's more for the gentleman, but think about it: You are out numbered by children who are shorter and love to swing their arms and new sword like toys they get.  Strollers also have things attached to them that are at an inconvenient height.  I am not asking you to walk around with your hand covering yourself but be very aware of your surroundings especially in crowds. All it takes is one swing and you being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Down time
The best place to sit down and chill out in a climate controlled environment is by far Inoventions.  Some people overlook Inoventions because it almost looks like scenery and was an empty building for many, many years. It is located in Tomorrowland next to Space Mountain. If you have kids and just want to go somewhere to keep them entertained and you want take a load off, this is the place to go. My wife hates it.  She thinks it is boring, and it kind of is, its more for kids.  Think Omsi (The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) with video games.  However I did hear they just upgraded the inside with A Iron Man theme, where you can look at the different types of armor.  Even so, its a nice place get a way from the heat if you go in the summer.

Try and go during the holidays
It doesn't have to be every trip you take (even though as an adult it is my favorite) but there are definitely upsides to it.  If you go the week before Christmas the park is virtually dead.  Every time I have gone at this time of year I can do every major ride and other things in about four hours.  It is also not as hot and the lines are much quicker then going in the summer.  There are also attractions you can't get anytime of year like the Haunted Mansion invaded by Nightmare before Christmas, Small world Holiday, and other festivities throughout the park.  There is a fine line though, if you go the week of or on Christmas I have heard it is one of the busier times of the year. Overall I am not saying don't go in the summer there is a certain magic about being there in the summer but it is a different experience.  My wife however does not love the heat and it is not very hot in December compared to say July.  A couple things you also lose by going closer to the holidays is the park closes sooner.  It closes at ten as opposed to midnight.  But you make up that time in not waiting in as many lines. But I think in this case pictures speak better than words...

The castle this last year at night during the Holidays.  It was pretty amazing.
Small World at Night during the holidays
Jack in front of the Haunted Mansion Holiday.

Boom! That's all folks! Magic all over your face!

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