Friday, June 28, 2013

He is a Goodman!

So, the cat is out of the bag.  I have to come clean...I am in love with John Goodman.

I mean I have always liked him.  But my love was confirmed a few weeks ago.  I was watching a great episode of the West Wing (which will get its own blog once I have completed the entire series) and out of no where Mr. Goodman stormed on the screen.  It was only a cameo for four episodes but man, I could watch him do anything.
I don't exactly know why.  I mean its not that he is an amazing actor or anything.  I mean he's good, but he is not Brando or anything.  My guess is because in some weird way he reminds of my father or what a father is supposed to be. I watched a lot of Roseanne growing up, and there is one moment that always sticks out to me.  It was the one where Dan ended up going to jail because he punched Jackie's abusive boyfriend in the face. I am not sure if I have all the details right but you get the idea. If I had to pick a TV dad, it would most likely be Dan Connor, he always seemed like he had a good moral compass. That is of course until the final season where I think he cheats on Roseanne.  But I digress...

Obviously Dan Connor is one of the main roles he is remembered for, but there is also Walter.  Walter Sobchak from The Big Lebowski will easily be his second and in some circles might take first. Those two easily are his most famous.  There are many roles of his I could rave about besides Dan and Walter, but one of my favorites is Pops.  This is a role practically no one saw him in or at least it seemed that way because the movie tanked.  I am talking about the movie Speed Racer.  A highly under rated movie.  It is one of the best (if not the best) accurate adaptations of a cartoon to film.  John Goodman plays the character of Pops the father/mechanic who works on the car. If you didn't see the movie I think I can sell you on it by saying one thing.  John Goodman fights ninjas. Its brief, but it is funny.  He spins them over his head and everything. He also has this great piece of dialogue:

Trixie: Oh, my god was that a ninja?
Pops: More like a NON-ja.  Terrible what passes for a ninja these days.

You should see this movie...

So I could gush about him for pages and pages but instead, I will leave you with this link:

KFC loves gays

Boom! That's all folks! Until we meet again!

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