Friday, May 31, 2013

Development Arrested: My thoughts on season four

I am back! I know it's been a while, a long while.  I promise to do better and attempt to be more active in my blogs.  There have been a lot of things to discuss I have just been incredibly lazy. 

But lets get right to it.

Like most people on May 26th I tore through the newest season of Arrested development.  I thought it might be a mistake to watch it so fast, but looking back I am glad I chose to watch it that way.  Mostly, because the season was more complex and multi layered then the previous seasons. After watching it, I knew I needed to watch it again just to catch all the inside jokes that were there.  I didn't want to do a huge review for my first outing, but I do want to let you know how I felt about the new season on a general level.

My Thoughts:
Overall, I had a good time and I thought it lived up to the hype. I have heard a lot of negative reviews as well as positive, but i feel like most of the negative reviews are from people who were not going to be satisfied with anything they got.  The show became so popular among an underground audience that it created a certain fan base that thinks they are smart because they discovered some canceled funny show.  I call them "Hipsters" most people call them pretentious. Those people in my opinion are the downfall of entertainment. I watch an obscene amount of TV and movies, who cares if something is mainstream or popular?  If it is funny I will watch it. If it is entertaining I will watch it.  I don't care if it is the talk of the town or not. But enough about my hatred of hipsters...Arrested Development much like Family Guy before it, became much more popular off the air. There was a hungry fan base for more and the "real" fans I think will be pleased with the finished product presented here.

Spoiler Section:
In all honesty the first episode was tough for me.  The format was weird and foreign to me and took a little getting used to.  For those that have not watched the new season, each episode now focuses on an individual character. It shows the series of events that occurs after the finale of season three, up to present day.  Since each show does this from each characters perspective there is overlapping of details, plot points and jokes. It was like a giant tapestry of jokes finely woven together.

Funny Tapestry

I liked the idea of the show being slightly different, but with the same characters.  I also enjoyed the evolution (or de-evolution) of the character of Michael.  You begin to see him as a Bluth and how he is just as messed up as the rest of them, just in a different way.  I am excited to re-watch it and find new nuances leading up to Cinco De Quatro, which seemed to have a lot of overlapping for each character. I hope the rumors are true and there will be a movie or at least another season.  Now that they have more of an open door at the end of this season, I need more answers. I really want to see how the relationship with Rebel turns out between Michael and George Michael. Mostly though I just want to see more of Buster's amazingly huge hand!

There are so many more things about the show I could discuss, but for now I just want to keep it simple.  People worked long and hard to get this entire cast back together, that alone should be commended.  I hope this show is remembered, watched and is just as cherished as it was before. I really want people to watch it and  make up thier own minds before trusting what they read about it. Because we all deserve anustart.

Boom! That's all folks! See you soon!

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