Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Spider-man: Your friendly neighborhood Tom

Hello true believers!

I have an obsession with Spider-man.  It's bad and it gets worse every year. There have only been a few things in my life that I have always been a fan of for as long as I can remember.  Disneyland (and Disney movies) and the Joker would be the only other two. You could probably squeeze the movie Back to the Future movie in there somewhere but that was more like late elementary school when that started. There have been other things but they usually fade out or my interest goes back and fourth. Not with these. I realized when evaluating my history with Spider-man that every year of my life I have become more and more interested in everything that involves him. This year seems like I have definitely reached a high point (or low point depending on your point of view). For example: On a recent weekend I went to a toy fair where I purchased four items of Spider-man memorabilia, went to the comic shop where at least four of the seven I purchased had Spider-man in them, all while wearing a Spider-man T-shirt (which was not planned). To top it off I watched two episodes of one of his many cartoon shows. This is a somewhat normal weekend for me. My wife says I have a man crush on Spider-man. At first I laughed it off and told her she was silly. Now I have suddenly realized she is right, it's not just me being nerdy I actually want to hang out with him, and I always have.

As a kid who doesn't have a superhero they like? He was my choice for whatever reason and it stuck. I probably watched his cartoon and thought he was cool. Once I was in high school I started watching the animated series produced in the 90's. This is where I started to really relate to him. A young guy dealing with strange changes in his life all while juggling relationships with people and girls. The character always wanted to do the right thing even though sometimes he ended up making bad choices.  As I get older more and more I believe subconsciously I miss that feeling, so that is why I am drawn to Spider-man in my adult life.  I am no longer a younger guy struggling with relationships and my physical body.  I am now focused on my career and my family. So he allows me to still have that innocence and that idea of self discovery.

One thing I want to make very clear is the movie Spider-man is not my Spider-man. The movie version is much different then the character I have grown to love.  Below I am going to explain the difference and try to also articulate my inherit love affair in all the different ways he is represented.

So I broke it down into different parts.

Part 1: let's start where it all began...the comics
To be very honest this is one of my weaker areas of Spider knowledge.  I would say I know more then the average fan but I don't know more then the average comic book junkie.  I like comics but in my life I have a very roller coaster relationship with them.  I will buy for a couple years and stop, then start again.  In comics a lot can happen in a few years.  For example right now in the comics Spider-man is a member of the Avengers, The Future Foundation (they are kind of like the Fantastic Four) and he know longer is married to Mary Jane and has a girlfriend named Carly. Well he did until a recent issue where she figured out he was Spider-man and broke it off for feeling like she was lied to since he never told her. Oh yeah and J. Jonah Jameson is the Mayor of New York City. Even for someone who knows nothing about Spider-man or just has seen the movies knows that sounds crazy.  Don't get me wrong I like it, its just different from when I left off many years ago.  There are also (I believe) six different comic titles that have Spider-man in them so it can be tough to keep up with him.

Also marvel has an alternate universe called the "Ultimate Universe" where the characters are very similar to the originals just more updated with newer references and haircuts.  Ultimate Spider-man was in the news recently because Peter Parker was killed and a new person took over the mantle.  His name is Miles Morales.  He is a younger boy, with a new costume and he also happens to be half Black and half Hispanic. Some people were out raged that they killed Peter and that it was someone of a different race. I my mind it was people that really don't understand the Ultimate universe.  Why have a universe so similar if you can't mess with characters? This allows them to re-invent the character while sill having him exist in the normal Marvel universe.  I thought it was brilliant.  The comic is good too, it adds a whole new dimension to the character and he has slightly different powers then his original counterpart.

Part 2: The movies where Toby Maguire is Spider-man.
Here we go, I could talk about this all day. First I want to say, the movies are good movies.  They are entertaining and for the most part filmed well. With that said my biggest complaints are the casting and the characterization of Peter Parker/Spider-man and Mary Jane. lets start with the web head himself, Spider-man is a funny guy, he plays tricks on people, he constantly makes pop culture references and barely ever says anything serious to a villain.  Where was that in the movie? Peter Parker is even worse he is portrayed as a sleepy quiet nerd, even after he gets Spider powers. There is an emotional Battle that he is dealing with but he expresses it differently the what was shown.  Peter Parker to me is very similar to Marty McFly in the Back to the Future Movies or Shia LaBeouf's character in the Transformer movies.  There is a dorkiness there but also a confident, underplayed arrogance he possesses. He is Spider-man after all!

This is where I probably offend the ladies and I will apologize ahead of time...but Mary Jane Watson is a knock out, Kirsten Dunst is not.  If you go to Wikipedia or any site that talks about comic characters three things will always be written to describe her.  She has red hair, green eyes and is extremely beautiful. I am not saying Kirsten Dunst is not attractive.  But I would wager that if you were to poll 20 different men I would guarantee you at least 19 of them would not describe her as extremely beautiful. Cute, pretty maybe even beautiful but the word extremely would not be there. She is pretty in a girl next door kind of way but not in a stop traffic kind of way.  In the comic I just read for example there is a panel where she is dancing and literally every male character is looking at her and every female that is in the room is telling their significant others to stop staring. If Dunst walked into a room and she was not a celebrity she might get noticed by a few but would not bring the room to a halt.  Think Barbie, think Jessica rabbit. Remember this is a comic character created for 13 year olds! If I had to cast her now I would cast an unknown model, or maybe Bryce Dallas Howard (who strangely played Peters other love interest Gwen Stacey in the third film).  I even think Emma Stone could have pulled it off (who is set to play Stacey as well in the re-boot). Bottom line Mary Jane is not a cutesy girl next door, she is a strong minded woman who should look like a stereotypical model or at least have some attribute about her that makes everyone male want to be around her and want to impress her. I can't entirely blame her, the script and director could have played that up more however they probably knew it would not be believable.

There are other obvious things I could complain about but I understand cinematic license and trying new things to be entertaining, I just don't think you should sacrifice the main characters in order to do so.

Part 3: The re-booted movie
Unless you have been living under a rock or do not care about movies at all you are most likely aware that they are coming out with a brand new Spider-man movie this summer.  For some they are outraged that they are rebooting it so close to the originals release. But if you are me, you are excited! I was ready for something new and I am interested to see how Andrew Garfield is going to pull of the character. I also like that they are going with early Spider-man and that they are using Gwen Stacey instead of Mary Jane. Gwen is Peter's first love, we all know there will be sequels and there is plenty of time for Mary Jane, but let Gwen and Peter have their moment first.  It does sound like they are going a more "Ultimate Universe" route but we will see. Most people lately have been complaining about the costume.  I have no problem with it.  As long as it is Blue and Red I am happy. I just want the characters to represent the original characters. The only thing I will complain about is I am hoping it is not an Origin story.  When there were talks of this movie being made I loosely remember producers telling the press that they were not going to tell Peter's original transformation story again because people are already familiar with it.  But the preview sure makes it seem like that is the direction they are going. But we will see...

Part 4: The Cartoons
The cartoons are my genesis. This is where it all started for me.  I have seen almost every cartoon series that has been made (I have not seen the one produced for MTV a few years back but it is in my Netflix Disc queue) The one I watched as a kid was the one produced in the 80's.  Its not terrible, its fun and focuses on almost a new villain each time; but there is no real through line from episode to episode.  The 90's cartoon however is what swept me off of my feet.  I have officially watched that complete series more then any other Television show. My current count is at six times.  It currently is unavailable on DVD but it is streamable on Netflix. it is the best incarnation of the character that I have seen. This show is where I really came into relating to Peter Parker and his personal drama as well as his quest to be a hero.  The Spectacular Spider-man is the last one that was produced and it is probably my second favorite.  Peter is a high school kid and it focuses more on the ultimate universe Spider-man.  It was canceled for some reason, I believe it has to do with the movie that is being prepared to be released. They are also right now in the works of producing another series that is set to air sometime next year to coincide with the release of the new movie.

Part 5: The Toys
This is probably where you think I am going to tell you I have mountains of Spider-man toys.  I don't really.  My collection is growing but I would say I probably have less then the average fan.  Maybe ten items...not a whole lot.  I would like more but I have a hard time spending a lot of money on one type of toy, I like to have a variety of different kinds.

In Summary, I like Spider-man...and I doubt you read this whole page.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tomoccupy Nicholas Cage movies!

So obviously lately people have been occupying wall Street and various cities because they disagree with corporate greed. This got me thinking...could I occupy a movie theater because a movie sucked? Or if I paid too much for it? Most likely I would be thrown out...but I could protest outside right? That's within my legal rights! Apparently protesting by not going to his movies is not working...

I really hate Nicholas Cage and I would love to occupy any location for a long time if it got someone to stop casting him. In fact I would do just about anything to never have to see his ugly, weird looking face on a new movie poster. I don't know what is wrong with the directors or casting agents but they keep casting him in these terrible action movies. I am not quite sure why either, they don't seem to do well financially. That is of course as long as they do not have the word National or Treasure in the title.

I can't remember ever liking him and for a long time I couldn't figure out when my distaste started. Then recently I saw the movie Peggy sue got Married and it all mades sense. As a kid I remember watching it and being excited to see it because I was a huge Back to the future fan and it seemed to have similar time travel elements like going to the 1950's. In my juvinile mind it was almost a like female version of my beloved movie. However, in retrospect that was altogether ruined by Cage. He does this bizarre voice and almost makes the whole movie seem like a big joke. He can't be taken seriously, and every other character can. This has to be where it all began. I must have subconsciously started to understand that a movie has to be cohesive with the story, the actors and the audience. As a kid though  I just remember thinking it was okay but not great. Now as an adult watching that movie, I just saw an actor trying too hard with a part that didn't need any weird, special voice characterization that he was trying to give it.

Now granted he has a few movies that are decent, but not because he is in them. They all have solid scripts and/or directors or even co-stars. Look at Con Air for example; his accent and acting is horrendous. My definition would be like a criminal, hippie, Forrest Gump. But because he is surrounded by talented actors the movie is a half way decent action flick.

There are also a lot of critics who think he is underrated, they think he should be held up with the greats of acting because of all the risks he takes.  Risk taking does not make you a good actor.  Risks are just that...risks.  They either work or they don't.  Most of the time for him the risks he takes just don't work. Silly voices and weird facial ticks does not a character make.  Something else has to be there, a component of realism and heart.  Not just playing dress up Mr. Cage. 

Johnny Depp is a great example of an actor who also takes risks, but there is more complexity in his risks. Look at captain Jack Sparrow. That character made the million dollar career he has today.  The studio didn't want him to do it they thought it was too risky the way he was playing it and kept trying pull him back, but eventually the director and the studio conceded and let him do his thing.  Now everyone lets him do his thing and he is a golden meal ticket. Today that character has become iconic and carried that franchise.  Those movies would be nothing without him.
My plea to you, is to stop seeing Nicholas Cage movies...please.  I don't care if he is the leading character in your favorite comic book adaptation, please don't go.  I won't be there!  I am officially done.  If we all join together we can stop this evil and disrespect to the film going audience.

Do we really need another bad Ghost Rider movie that he is the star of?

For the record I am only talking about movies going forward.  You can still watch your favorite copy of Raising Arizona or Adaptation. But from this point on, no more watching new movies that he is in!

Join the Rage down with Cage!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Harry Potter and the Tomtastic Evaluation

I read the first few Harry Potter books in college. I thought they were awesome! They were like nothing I had ever read before. This was long before the films were out and I was very excited to see how the book series would grow over the years, then it happened...I read the fifth book and they lost me. I thought it was boring and had way too much exposition. In fact, I could not read it all the way through.  So I wrote off the series and decided one day I would return most likely to just watch the films.

Fast forward quite a few years to present day, where now all the books are released and so are the films. I really wanted my wife to watch the movies because I thought she would like them. She enjoys fantasy type movies much more than I. So, one fateful night we bought all of them and for a weeks time we watched nothing but Harry Potter movies. The best part was the finale to our movie watching marathon. We got to watch the last one in the theater because it had just been released. My wife loved the movies and immediately became engaged in them and was always excited to see the next one. In fact, we have already discussed re-watching the series again.

Now I want to go back and read all the books...even the fifth one.

So I decided early on I was going to watch each one and come up with one sentence to a few sentences that summed up each of the movies for me.

So here you go:

1: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
That Dursley boy looks mighty fine with a pigs tail.

2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Ron Weasley + spiders = Vagina

3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Apparently uniforms are not as required as they were last year. However clothes that look like they are sponsored from J. Crew are the new norm...oh yeah, and puberty is hilarious by the way.

4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
That Twilight kid isn't as ugly when he is not covered in that pasty vampire make-up.

5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Hair cuts all around! But the real news is that Harry Potter wears Converse!

6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Dumbledore might die but at least now I know what a horcrux is.

7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - part 1
In the end it's you and the people who matter...except your house elf, they get cut.

7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - part 2
War sucks..even in the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter.